Coronavirus Is Here – 5 Things You Need To Know

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, then you’ve probably heard all about the dreaded Coronavirus (COVID-19). This terrifying outbreak has definitely spiked an uproar around the world causing widespread panic and swift action being taken. As this is now a global threat, to avoid it being spread further, Italy has even imposed extremely strict rules to its residents, with some measures including fines for anyone that is caught entering or leaving outbreak areas.

Therefore, with people too scared to go into busy places, to others downright cancelling their holidays, it’s never been more important to know how to protect yourself.

  1. Hand washing is a must

No, were not talking about a quick lather and rinse. Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water or if they are not visibly dirty, you can opt for an alcohol rub. This will eliminate the virus if it is on your hands so, you should make proper hand washing techniques a priority. Here’s how to practice proper hand washing:

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2. There are now 13 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the UK

This week, 4 new cases of Coronavirus were confirmed when one woman tested positive for COVID-19 on the cruise ship The Diamond Princess. This led to 3 other people testing positive alongside her, which brings the UK total up to 13.

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3. There is no known vaccine for COVID-19 as of yet

There are 78,000 worldwide cases of infections and 2,470 deaths but 23,000 have recovered which shows that there is a good chance of beating this horrible virus. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus, but anyone of any age can become infected with Coronavirus, which is why it is important to practice good hygiene techniques.

4. You should maintain a social distance

To keep yourself and others safe, you should maintain a 3ft distance especially if you or someone else is coughing, sneezing or has flu like symptoms! When someone coughs or sneezes they project small droplets of the virus which can then contaminate others.

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5. If you think you have Coronavirus seek help on the phone

If you believe that you have become infected with the Coronavirus, you should ring the emergency advice line for your country. You should avoid going to your emergency department or your local doctor’s surgery as this could end with other people around you contracting the virus.

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The main thing to remember in this fear provoking time, is to practice good hygiene and keep an eye on any cold symptoms you experience. Hopefully, Coronavirus will soon be a thing of the past.

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